DSA supports ssh/sftp for more direct access to your data.

How do I connect?


ssh username@lz.dsa.missouri.edu

Windows Users Please refrence RCSS Documentation for MobaXterm


Password Authentication is allowed when on campus or using Anyconnect VPN.

Internet / Internet 2

SSH Key Authentication only. We recommend a key password as well as RSA with a strength of 4096 or greater. See the generate ssh key doc for more info.

What can I do once connected?

Git commands

git clone
git pull --no-edit upstream master
git commit -m "This is a commit comment"
git push origin master

Copy / Move your data


Connect to PostgreSQL

psql -U dsa_ro_user -W -h pgsql.dsa.lan twitter

[user@lz ~]# psql -U dsa_ro_user -W -h pgsql.dsa.lan twitter
Password for user dsa_ro_user: 
psql (9.5.8, server 9.5.12)
Type "help" for help.


NOTE: If you have not yet logged into Europa, lz.dsa.missouri.edu will allow you to login.