Moving data files to your group data share from Jupyter
The Case Study and Capstone teams are assigned team data shares to store all their data files. Data files are not to be committed to your shared repository.
1. Open a terminal on Jupyter.
2. Although files can be moved directly from the Jupyter terminal, we recommend that you ssh into our lz server to move files. Sometimes there is a permissions issue if you do it directly from your Jupyter server.
Then enter your password when prompted. It will not display at all – just press enter when you are done.
3. It is easiest to use absolute paths, with ~ representing your home directory. Here is the basic copy command.
cp ~/<path to file on Jupyter> /dsa/groups/<path to group folder>
Below is an example. Someone from the spring 2023 on-campus cohort Team01 is uploading a datafile named ACS20200.csv from their TeamArtifacts/Spin_5_Artifacts/ folder in their group repository. They are placing it in a nested folder redlining-data/ACS/ on their team data share. Follow the pattern to get the correct path on both ends of the transfer. Be careful of typos – most problems are from not getting the path right or typos (which amounts to the same thing.)
cp ~/sp23Capstone_02/TeamArtifacts/Spin_5_Artifacts/ACS20200.csv /dsa/groups/capstonesp2023/campus/Team01/redlining-data/ACS/
4. Check that the permissions on your file are correct, so that your teammates can access the data.
ls -la <path_to_file on data share>
For our example:
ls -la /dsa/groups/capstonesp2023/campus/Team01/redlining-data/ACS/ACS20200.csv
Your output for this will look something like this:
-rw-r--r--. 1 pawprint pawprint 27810 Mar 11 15:27 /dsa/groups/capstonesp2023/campus/Team01/redlining-data/ACS/ ACS20200.csv
For the characters at the beginning of the line, it could read rwxrwxrwx with hyphens replacing missing permissions. If there is an r in the middle group of characters your teammates will be able to read the file.