Moving files to and from Jupyter and your local computer
You can move files from your local computer to your Jupyter directory using, a secure jump server.
1. Make sure you are on the campus network or using VPN. Instructions for the VPN are here:
2. Open a command window on your local computer.
3. Below we give examples of how to transfer files to and from your local computer and your Jupyter directory. You will be prompted for your university password when executing these commands. Note: as you type or paste your password, it will not be displayed for security reasons. Press enter after you are done typing.
4a. To transfer files TO Jupyter
Navigate to the parent directory of the folder or file you want to transfer then execute this command. The command should be typed on one line and with the userid and paths changed as appropriate.
scp -r local_folder_or_file_name
4b. To transfer files FROM Jupyter, execute the following command.
Navigate to the parent directory of the folder you want to transfer into then execute this command. The command should be typed on one line and with the userid and paths changed as appropriate.
scp -r local_folder