Container Catalog

Below are the base containers and their hierarchy.

Since some containers only build on the previous, not all of these are available on Europa.

  • Base - Best for Building a completely customized environment (Not Available on Europa)
  • Minimal - Includes basic Python 3 kernel and packages (Not Available on Europa)
  • Scipy - Includes Minimal plus Scipy packages (Not Available on Europa)
  • Datascience - Includes Scipy plus Julia and R Kernels along with related packages
  • R - Only R kernel and basic R packages (Not Available on Europa)
  • Tensorflow - Installs only Tenorflow 1.11 and Keras 2.2
  • All-Spark - Install PySpark, R, and Spylon Kernels with minimal packages

Default Container Resources:

  • 2 Intel Skylake Cores
  • 4 GB DDR4 RAM